Merger of Sikkim with India 16 May 1975

My Dear Young Indians, Today is 16 of May 2022. 47 years back on 16 May 1975, the Kingdom of Sikkim had merged with the Union of India. On the western side of Sikkim is Nepal, on the eastern side is Bhutan and on the northern side is Tibet. Sikkim has three main communities- the Lepchas, the Bhutias and the Nepalis. The history of the kingdom of Sikkim dates back to centuries. This is a story of struggle for power, existence and a ‘curse’. Centuries back Sikkim was inhabited by the Lepchas. In the 17 th century immigrants from Tibet (called Bhutias) stated settling in Sikkim. The Bhuddist Bhutias wanted to convert this region into a Buddhist Kingdom. In 1641 CE, Phutsong Namgyal became the first King or ‘Chogyal’. The Namgyal Kingdom was Buddhist and Tibet was considered as the religious authority. The name Sikkim is derived from ‘Su Khyim’ ‘Su’ means ‘New’ ‘Khyim’ means ‘Palace’ or ‘House’ The new palace of the Chogyal Phutsong Namgyal was referred to as ‘Su Khyim’....