Shaheed Major Shaitan Singh, Param Vir Chakra

Today was a BIG day.
Today I spoke over phone with Shri Narpat Singh.
Shri Narpat Singh is the son of Shaheed Major Shaitan Singh, Param Vir Chakra. During the India-China war , Major Shaitan Singh led Charlie Company of 13 Kumaon Regiment at Rezang La against the Chinese on the night of 17-18 November 1962. They were just 115 in number and the Chinese were an un-ending number.

No one fought as gloriously as these men who defended their position to the last man and the last bullet. Their bodies were recovered three months later in February 1963 when the Himalayan snow melted. Every single jawan was found dead in his trench, each had several bullets or splinter wounds, still holding their weapons. Broken light machine guns bore witness to intensity of enemy fire. Jemadar Hari Singh was found with a bandage on his head, when recovered was still in crouching position. The brave medical orderly, Dharam Pal had gone from section to section to attend the wounded. He was still holding a morphia syringe and a bandage in his hand.

Shri Narpat Singh lives in his village that is now named after his father. ‘Shaitan Singh village’ is a part of tehsil Falodi in Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. Shrimati Shugan Kanwar, wife of Shaheed Major Shaitan Singh also lives with her son Shri Narpat Singh.

Gaurav Negi
26 April 2010


  1. Maj.shaitaan singh was the real hero of mother india.....
    Salute to a real hero's family....Jay hind


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