National Science Day- C V Raman, Chandrashekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh

My dear Young and Little Indians,

Today is the National Science Day of India.
On this day in the year 1928 (28 Feb 1928), Sir C V Raman had discovered what is now called as The Raman Effect.
Sometimes when you ask elders- Why is sea blue in colour ? 
They would answer- आसमान नीला होता है और आसमान की छाया समुद्र पर पड़ती है इसलिए समुद्र नीला दीखता है 😊
Sir C V Raman found an answer to it - when light falls on water, lights splits. Water causes blue colour to scatter more than other colours hence we see the sea as blue.
This principle of scattering of light came to be known as The Raman Effect
Sir C V Raman was honoured with the Nobel prize in 1930.
I hope you all read about Shaheed Chandrashekhar Azad on the FORCES Blog that I had shared with you yesterday.
In the year 1928 , Simon Commission of the British Govt had come to India. 
Lala Lajpat Rai protested. He was lathicharged and was injured and then passed away. Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad and Rajguru avenged his death by killing British officer Saunders.
Please notice that in the same year 1928 , Sir C V Raman discovered The Raman effect.
In the year 1930 he was honoured with the Nobel prize.
One year later in the year1931 , Chandrashekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were martyred.
What is the lesson here ? 
The lesson is…..
Every Indian-- be it a scientist or a revolutionary freedom fighter-- was making his contribution to India.
C V Raman was making India proud with his discovery.
Bhagat Singh and others were fighting for India’s freedom.
Each one of them was doing his part.
This is exactly what we should also be doing---- Do our part well.
There is no greater reward than to live and to die for your country knowing that you have done your part.
India is a group of 130 Crore human beings.

जब 130 करोड़ भारतीय मिल कर साथ चलेंगे तो इस दुनिया में हमें कौन रोक पायेगा ?
बताइये ?
Jai Hind !  


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