Vinayak Damodar Savarkar - Hindutva

Dear Young Indians,

Today is the death anniversary of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar popularly remembered as Veer Savarkar

He was born on 28 May 1883

He passed away on 26 February 1966

He was a freedom fighter who served jail terms under the British.


Veer Savarkar is best remembered for popularizing and making us realize the reality of Hindutva हिंदुत्व

Veer Savarkar said that all Indians are Hindus because India is the land of Hindus.

How does he define Hindus ?

Hindus were the people who lived on the eastern side of River Sindhu सिंधु


River Sindhu सिंधु has a special significance for India.

You must have heard/ read terms like सप्त सिंधु सभ्यता

Hindus were the people who lived on the eastern side of River Sindhu सिंधु…… between River Sindhu, Himalayas and the Ocean. River Sindhu, Himalayas and the Ocean are natural boundaries.

Later when new beliefs like Buddhism and Jainism took birth within India, some people started following these beliefs.

They got "converted" to the new faith but they and their family lineage was “Hindu” by virtue of being born in the land between River Sindhu, Himalayas and the Ocean.

When new faiths like Islam and Christianity came to India from outside, some people converted to Islam and Christianity either willingly or by force and compulsion.

But they and their family lineage was also “Hindu” by virtue of being born in the land between River Sindhu, Himalayas and the Ocean.

“Hindu” was not a religion initially. It was a CIVILISATION on the eastern side of Sindhu. Today “Hindu” has become “Hindu-ism”

Today Hindus or Hinduism is seen as a religion because we need to differentiate between those who continue to follow the “Hindu way of life” and those who chose to convert to other faiths like Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism and other faiths.

Veer Savarkar says- Indians who have converted to other religions or are following other faiths may call themselves by different name or may identify themselves with a particular God BUT they are also “Hindus” because they or their ancestors were born in this land between River Sindhu, Himalayas and the Ocean. They may not be following “Hindu-ism” of today but they are Hindus by civilization.

This “Hindu-ness” is “Hindutva”

Being a child of this land between River Sindhu, Himalayas and the Ocean is “Hindu-ness”

Only a handful of Muslims and Christians had come to Hindustan (India) then how come people of these faiths are in such large numbers today……. Because the natives of this land (Hindus) converted to these faiths.


If River Sindhu सिंधु is what defines our civilization then why are we not called “Sindhus”

Why “Hindus” ? How did Sindu become Hindu ? Why did this “S” become “H” ?


In some regions of the world that are on the western side of Hindustan (India as we say today) use the letter “S” and “H” interchangeably.

All the people who invaded Hindustan came through the western borders. When these people came towards India, the biggest hurdle that they encountered was the River Sindu. They called it HINDU because of their language and dialect.

The people living on the other side of Sindhu or Hindu came to be known as Hindus.


The number seven (7) is denoted by the term Septa …..a polygon or figure with seven sides is called Septagon. A person who is in his seventies is called Septuagenarian.

In many regions ….. SEPTA is written and pronounced as HEPTA.

Just go to Google and write “Septagon”….. you will automatically get the word “Heptagon”.

Letter ‘S” is replaced by letter “H”


The Seven Kingdoms or monarchies of Britain were called “Heptarchy” instead of “Septarchy”.

Go and search on Google for the word “Septarchy”.

You will automatically get the word “Heptarchy” of Britain.

Letter ‘S” is replaced by letter “H”


If we replace "S" of Sindu with "H" then it becomes Hindu !


The people who entered India from the western border called Sindu as Hindu because of their dialect/ language. Invading from the north was difficult because of Himalayas. Invading from the south was difficult because of the oceans.

 The country “Islamic Republic of Iran” that we see today was earlier known as “Persia”. The natives of this country were called Parsis. The name of their religion was Zoroastrianism.

When the Arab Muslims invaded Persia, the local population was forced to either convert to Islam and they were killed. Some Parsis fled towards the east and reached the River Sindu सिंधु.

The Parsis or Persians also pronounce the letter “S” as “H”.

The proof is this…..
The holy book of Parsis which is called “Avesta” or “Zend-Avesta” has many texts where the letter “S” has been written as “H”.

This is how "Sindu" was called "Hindu" and land on the eastern side was "Hindu" river came to be known as "Hindustan"..... the land of "Hindus".  Every one who has his/ her roots in this land is a HINDU...... This is "HINDUTVA".


My Dear Young Indians,

The reason why I wanted to talk to you on this subject was-

There is so much of noise about “Secularism” and “Minority-Majority” but I realize that most of the people around either do not understand facts/ philosophies/ ideologies or they DO NOT WANT TO understand….they just want to discuss based on their presumptions and selfish interests.

There is too much of information and mis-information today by way of youtube videos, TV debates, breaking news and forwarded messages on Whatsapp BUT Knowledge is still scarce.

“Decisions based on Knowledge” and “Actions without prejudice” and is the only way you can contribute to Nation Building.

Some of you are already 18 and many of you will be 18 years young soon.

INDIA is in your hands.
Its your time.


Jai Hind ! 



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