What is Metrication or Metrification ?

My dear Young and Little Indians, I met two boys yesterday…. I asked them- “How tall are you? What is your height?” One of them said he was 168 cms and the other said he was 5 Feet 6 inches. Now you tell me…… Who of the two is taller ? Why did they express their height in two different ways ? What is the difference between the two ways of measuring height/ length? They are approximately equal in height but not exactly equal. Right ? Under the British Imperial System or Imperial System (IS) ….. Units like Pound, Feet, Inch, Gallon, Mile were used for weight, length, volume etc · T hese were confusing and difficult to remember. · The multipliers were not standardized. For example- 1 yard= 3 Feet 1 Foot=12 Inches · To make matters worse, every society and country had its own localized units of measurement. · When countries trade amongst ea...