Ganga Dushhara गंगा दशहरा

My Dear Young Indians,

Today is the festival of Ganga Dushhara गंगा दशहरा.

Festival of Ganga Dushhara गंगा दशहरा is celebrated to remember and revere the descent of River Maa Ganga माँ गंगा on earth.

We had talked about the descent of River Maa Ganga माँ गंगा earlier.

You may read it again here….

Descent of Maa Ganga on Earth 

Ganga Dushhara गंगा दशहरा is celebrated on the tenth day (दशमी) of the Shukl paksh (शुक्ल पक्ष) of the month of Jyestha (ज्येष्ठ)  of Vikram Samvat Year (विक्रम संवत).

Let me make it simple……

The way we have 12 months in a Gregorian Calendar (January- December), we have 12 months in the Indian Hindu Calendar Year known as Vikram Samvat विक्रम संवत.

Vikram Samvat विक्रम संवत begins in March-April period of Gregorian calendar.

This is how the two calendars roughly correspond -

Name of Vikram Samvat Month (Corresponding month of Gregorian Year)

चैत्र (मार्च-अप्रैल)

वैशाख (अप्रैल -मई )

ज्येष्ठ (मई -जून )

आषाढ़ (जून-जुलाई)

श्रावण (जुलाई-अगस्त)

भाद्रपद (अगस्त-सितम्बर)

आश्विन (सितम्बर-अक्टूबर)

कार्तिक (अक्टूबर-नवम्बर)

मार्गशीर्ष (नवंबर दिसंबर)

पौष (दिसंबर जनवरी)

माघ (जनवरी फरवरी)

फाल्गुन (फरवरी मार्च)

Every month of Vikram Samvat विक्रम संवत is divided into two fortnights- शुल्क पक्ष and कृष्ण पक्ष.

Today is the Twentieth Day of the month of June as per Gregorian calendar. Similarly, today is the tenth day दशमी of the शुल्क पक्ष of the month of ज्येष्ठ.

When we talk of Vikram Samvat विक्रम संवत, we lay emphasis on fortnights because Vikram Samvat विक्रम संवत is based on the movements of the moon.

Period from No Moon to Full moon is one fortnight. Period from Full Moon back to No Moon is another fortnight.

Please remember - Vikram Samvat विक्रम संवत is a scientific calendar based on geography and astronomy unlike the Gregorian Calendar which is made arbitrarily.  

Vikram Samvat विक्रम संवत and Gregorian Calendar do not match 100%. Why ?

We had discussed this earlier .

विक्रम संवत Vikram Samvat 


Jai Hind !

Gaurav Negi

