Order of precedence of the Republic of India- Why is the President the first citizen of India ?

My Dear Young and Little Indian Children,

What does it mean when we say- The President is the First Citizen of India or the Vice President is the Second Citizen of India ?

These terms have been coined to denote the Order of precedence of the Republic of India.

What does Order of precedence of the Republic of India mean?

A list of senior Govt functionaries/ Officers/ Public Representatives is prepared by The Ministry of Home, Govt of India which is known as protocol list. This list is as per the hierarchy of important positions.

Suppose you have cooked something special at home. I believe you will first offer this dish to your Grandfather, then to your Grandmother, then your Father, then your Mother, then your elder brother/ sister. This is the Order of precedence of your Home.

Similarly, The Ministry of Home has prepared an Order of precedence of the Republic of India.

Why is the Order of precedence of the Republic of India made?

This is made to decide who is senior to whom in times of official protocol (official formalities).

Let us take a hypothetical example (just for understanding the concept).

If the President of India, the Prime Minister of India and a former President of India are present at a function together and bouquets of flowers have to be presented to each of them. Now in what order/ sequence should the bouquets be presented?

First the President, then the Prime Minister and then the Former President, or

First the President, then the Former President and then the Prime Minister, or 

First the Prime Minister, then the President and then the Former President ?

This would be done as per the Order of precedence of the Republic of India which says that the current President is the senior most, then comes the Prime Minister and then Former Presidents.

You can also say that The President is the First Citizen of India, The Prime Minister is the Third citizen of India and all former Presidents are the Fifth citizens of India because the President is listed at no. 1 in the Order of precedence of the Republic of India, the Prime Minister is listed at no. 3 and all former Presidents are listed at no. 5

How long is the Order of precedence of the Republic of India?

This is a list has 26 Govt functionaries/ Officers/ Public Representatives like Chief Justice of India, Speaker of Lok Sabha, Ambassadors, Attorney General , Chiefs of the three wings of Armed Forces etc. 

Is it correct to call the common citizen of India as the 27th citizen of India?

NO.Terming the common citizen as the 27th citizen of India is grossly incorrect. The list of Order of precedence of the Republic of India comes to an end at no. 26. There is NO one at the 27th position

This list of 26  Govt functionaries/ Officers/ Public Representatives is prepared for official protocols (official formalities) ONLY. A common citizen of India who is not a part of the Govt machinery has nothing to do with Govt protocol ! How can he be a part of the list ?

In the eyes of law (as per the Constitution of India) every citizen is equal. No one has a precedence over others.

As per the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India-

"The order in this Table of Precedence is meant for State and Ceremonial occasions and has no application in the day-to-day business of Government."

You may read the complete Table of Precedence on the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs 

Jai Hind !

Gaurav Negi



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