What is a Barrel of oil?

My Dear Indians,  

Petrol and Diesel are purified forms of petroleum/ crude oil.The petrol and diesel that we buy for our vehicles is priced in terms of Rupees per litre.

But when India buys crude oil, the quantity is NOT measured in litres but in terms of Barrel.

‘Barrel’ literally means a drum.

In the early days crude oil was stored in barrels/ drums and this term became a standard of the oil industry and is used even today.

Today the term ‘Barrel’ is only an economic concept or a measuring unit. Crude Oil is not stored in Barrels anymore.

One Barrel of Oil means 42 Gallons.

One Gallon is equal to 3.785 Litres

Hence, One Barrel of Oil is equal to 158.97 Litres.

Litre is a Metric Unit. Gallon is a Non-Metric Unit.

You would recall we had talked about Mertic Units or Metrification sometime back.

You may read it again........

What is Metrication or Metrification ?  

Oil industry still continues to use Non-Metric (Imperial) system when a major part of the world has moved to Metric (Standard International) System. Why ?

What could be the reason ?

Because of its economic size, the USA has dominated the oil industry and USA uses non-metric (Imperial) system. This is probably the reason why oil industry continues to use non-metric or Imperial system of measurement.

In the USA, Distance is measured in Miles not Kilometres. Height of measured in Feet and inches and not centimeters.


Jai Hind !!

Gaurav Negi



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