Terrorist Iftikhar Bhatt honoured by The Indian Army with The Sena Medal
My Dear Young and Little Indians, Today I would tell you about a ‘terrorist’ who was honoured with *The Sena Medal* by The Indian Army and The Govt of India. This is the story of a man named Iftikhar Bhatt. In 2005 this young man from South Kashmir approached the terrorist organization “Hizbul Mujahidin” expressing his desire to join them. He told them that his brother had been killed by The Indian Army and he wanted to avenge his brother’s death. He looked valuable to “Hizbul Mujahidin” as he had detailed information about army post that he planned to attack. He was also carrying hand-made maps with him. They agreed to take him in their organization. The plan was to attack an army post after two weeks. During these two weeks Iftikhar Bhatt was a silent and reserve man with no emotions. Probably his brother’s death had turned him into a stone. Just one day before the attack, two commanders of “Hizbul Mujahidin” became suspicious of Iftikhar Bhatt. They ag...