Terrorist Iftikhar Bhatt honoured by The Indian Army with The Sena Medal


My Dear Young and Little Indians,

Today I would tell you about a ‘terrorist’ who was honoured with *The Sena Medal* by The Indian Army and The Govt of India.


This is the story of a man named Iftikhar Bhatt.

In 2005 this young man from South Kashmir approached the terrorist organization “Hizbul Mujahidin” expressing his desire to join them. He told them that his brother had been killed by The Indian Army and he wanted to avenge his brother’s death.

He looked valuable to “Hizbul Mujahidin” as he had detailed information about army post that he planned to attack. He was also carrying hand-made maps with him. They agreed to take him in their organization.

The plan was to attack an army post after two weeks. During these two weeks Iftikhar Bhatt was a silent and reserve man with no emotions. Probably his brother’s death had turned him into a stone.

Just one day before the attack, two commanders of “Hizbul Mujahidin” became suspicious of Iftikhar Bhatt. They again questioned him about his background. To this Iftikhar Bhatt had a simple answer- “If you don’t trust me then kill me. No point doing an operation together if we don’t trust each other”. Iftikhar Bhatt said this with such fury and aggression that was unexpected from an emotionless man like  Iftikhar Bhatt .

Even before the two commanders of “Hizbul Mujahidin” could understand this, Iftikhar Bhatt pulled out a pistol and fired four shots- two shots on each of the commanders.

Both were dead.

Iftikhar Bhatt now went to The Indian Army Station.


He was honoured with The Sena Medal for exceptional devotion to duty and courage.

The emotionless, revenge seeking Iftikhar Bhatt was Maj. Mohit Sharma of 1 Para Special Forces, Indian Army.

This was a covert (secret) operation of The Indian Army where one mistake meant death.

But Maj. Mohit Sharma volunteered for this operation.

क्या होता है यह जूनून , यह पागलपन , कुछ कर गुजरने की धुन ?

कैसे पैदा होता है यह जूनून ?


In 2009 Maj Mohit Sharma led a Counter Insurgency Operation in the jungles of Kashmir. He killed 4 terrorists and saved the life of two of his fellow soldiers but laid down his life in the line of duty.

That was this day 12 years back (21 March 2009).

Shaheed Maj. Mohit Sharma was honoured with The Ashok Chakra- The highest gallantry award for action during peace time (other than war).


Maj. Mohit Sharma, Chief of Army Staff's commendation card, Sena Medal, Ashok Chakra.

Remember- Remind-Revere

Remember- These are the REAL Super Heroes.

Remind yourself that you owe your today and tomorrow to them.

Revere and feel grateful but…. this is not enough. Try and be like them.


My Dear Indians,

“It is better to die for something, rather than to live for nothing".

I say this again- You are not born to enjoy and spend your life. You are born to DO something meaningful. Explore yourself.  What do you love to do? If you do what you love, you will live happy and contribute to your society and the country. 

Time is on your side. Use your time to explore yourself, find out your likes and your जूनून .


Jai Hind !


Iftikhar Bhatt and Maj Mohit Sharma





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