Dadasaheb Phalke दादा साहेब फालके
My Dear Young and Little Indians, Who was Dadasaheb Phalke? He was an Indian producer, director, and screenwriter (screenwriter is a writer of story based on which films and plays are made) Why is Dadasaheb Phalke remembered in India ? He is remembered as The Father of Indian Cinema What was his name ? Dhundiraj Govind Phalke धुंडिराज गोविन्द फालके When was he born? 30 April 1870 When did he pass away ? 16 February 1944 Dhundiraj Govind Phalke Dadasaheb Phalke What the name of his first film and when was this film made ? The name of his first film was Raja Harishchandra राजा हरिशचन्द्र and it was made in 1913. What was the best dialogue in the film Raja Harishchandra ? NONE. There were NO DIALOGUES in the film ! It was a silent film. Those were the initial days of films. With time, audio/ sounds were added, playback singing was adopted, films moved from black & White to the coloured era, then came Surround Sound, 3D films, computer animated films............