Captain Dhoni and Captain Mulla- Captains by character.

My Dear Young and Little,

10 years back on 2 April 2011 India won the cricket world cup after 28 years under captaincy of Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

It was an Indian Captain who had been absolutely magnificent.


I remember Dhoni not as a batsman but as a Captain.

It is difficult to be a good batsman. It is an achievement to score centuries.

But it is much much more difficult to be a Captain. It takes character to play and win for the team.

You would have read and heard young players acknowledging that Dhoni guided them to play well AND Capt Mahendra Singh Dhoni stood by them when things went wrong.

He has set the highest benchmark for a team captain.


Another Captain that we have talked about earlier is Captain Mahendra Nath Mulla, Maha Vir Chakra.

During the war with Pakistan on 9 December 1971 Indian Naval Ship INS Khukri was torpedoed by a Pakistani submarine in the Arabian sea.

The ship sank within minutes. 178 sailors and 18 officers went down with the ship.

The captain of the ship is the last man to abandon the ship after everyone else has been rescued.

Captain Mahendra Nath Mulla the Captain of the ship stood by his ill-fated shipmates till the last moment and shared their destiny despite having the opportunity to save himself. He went down to the bottom of the sea along with his ship and sailors.

Captain Mulla has set the highest traditions in The Indian Navy.



My Dear Indians,

When you rise above ME and commit yourself to WE, only then you become a Captain. ....मैं नहीं , हम  


Be it Sports

Be it War

Be it Business

Be it Politics

Be it any field of life…….

Only men and women of character can set the right traditions for generations to follow.

कोई चलता पद चिन्हों पर , कोई पद चिन्ह बनाता है।

बस वही सूरमा वीर पुरुष , दुनिया में पूजा जाता है।


Jai Hind !


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