
Showing posts from September, 2021

Shaheed Bhagat Singh शहीद भगत सिंह

My Dear Indians, Today is the Birthday of Shaheed Bhagat Singh शहीद भगत सिंह 1907- 28 September - Bhagat Singh was born in a place called 'Banga' in Faisalabad Punjab (now a part of Pakistan). His father’s name was Sardar Kishan Singh His mother’s name was Vidyavati Bhagat Singh भगत सिंह   1919- April 13 - On this day British Officer Reginald Dyer committed the heinous crime of firing at and killing unarmed Indians who had gathered in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar. Bhagat Singh was disturbed by this tragedy. As a student he joined National College in Lahore. This college was set up by Lala Lajpat Rai. He was of the view that Indian students should avoid schools that were run by the British. It was National College, Lahore where Bhagat Singh met his companion of life and death- Sukhdev Thapar (remembered in history as Sukhdev).   Bhagat Singh and Sukhdev joined a revolutionary organization called Hindustan Republican Association . This organization was set up by P...

Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee , Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay and Bhartiya Jan Sangh (BJS)

Dear Young Indians, What is Bhartiya Jan Sangh भारतीय जन संघ  ? Who were Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee डा श्यामा प्रसाद मुख़र्जी and Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay पंडित दीन दयाल उपाध्याय ? Bhartiya Jan Sangh (BJS) is the predecessor or the older version of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP). Lets go back into history into the pre-independence times.... Maharaja Hari Singh was the ruler/ King of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. 'Sheikh Abdullah' was a local leader of J&K. He formed a political party in 1932 by the name 'Kashmir Muslim Conference'. He later renamed it as 'National Conference'  In 1946 he started a movement by the name "Quit Kashmir" against Maharaja Hari Singh. The objective was to remove Mahara Hari Singh. Majority population of J&K was Muslim and Maharaja Hari Singh was a Hindu....hence 'Kashmir Muslim Conference' of Sheikh Abdullah wanted to remove the Hindu ruler Maharaja Hari Singh jailed Sheikh Abdullah. Shortly after...

Indian Parliament - How are the elections to the Lok Sabha different from that to the Rajya Sabha

My dear Young & Little  Indians,   You would be knowing that India is the largest democracy in the world. Do you know India is also the mother of democracy ? भारत विश्व का सबसे बड़ा प्रजातंत्र ही नहीं है ,भारत प्रजातंत्र की जननी भी है .   In a democracy the public rules. The administrator of the society/ country is someone from the public. As opposed to this, in a autocracy an individual rules. Someone in the family line of the autocrat is the next administrator. India got its name 'Bharat' भारत from Emperor Bharat भरत who ruled the subcontinent of India with its capital in Hastinapur हस्तिनापुर .      Emperor Bharat did not appoint any of his sons as his successor (as a autocrat would normally do) as he found none of them capable enough to be a good administrator. He appointed "Bhamanyu" भूमन्यू son of sage Bharadwaj  भारद्वाज to succeed him.   The man who made Bharat भारत ensured that the public and its interest remain supreme.   ...

What is Delimitation ? परिसीमन क्या है ?

Mr Dear Young and Little Indian Students, At the start of the new academic session, new students (New admissions) would have joined your school. Just assume that there are 120 students in your class divided into three sections- A, B and C. Your school has a policy of having approximately 40 students in each section. This academic year 15 new students join your class. Now the total number of students is 120+15=135. If 135 students are divided into three sections, each section will have 45 students each. The school will allot 5 new students to each section making the strength 45 in each section.  In the next academic year, another 21 new students join your class.Now the total number of students is 156.   If 156 students are divided into three sections, each section will have 52 students each. But this will be a significant deviation from the figure of 40- the number of students that the school has decided to have in each section.  Now the school will create one new se...

Lieutenant Colonel Ardeshir Burzorji Tarapore, Param Vir Chakra (19 August 1923 – 16 September 1965)

My Dear Indians,  On successful completion of Operation Polo , the princely state of Hyderabad became a part of The Union of India. Read about 'Operation Polo' The Nizam of Hyderabad had his own army- Hyderabad State Forces or Hyderabad Army. Now that Hyderabad was a part of India, soldiers of Hyderabad State Forces were offered the opportunity to join The Indian Army. One such officer of The Hyderabad State Forces who joined the Indian Army was Ardeshir Burzorji Tarapore Ardeshir Burzorji Tarapore joined the Poona Horse Regiment of The Indian Army. This is a Armoured Regiment (a Regiment with Battle Tanks). In 1965 when India went to war against Pakistan, Lt Col. Ardeshir Burzorji Tarapore made the supreme sacrifice defending India. He was posthumously honoured with the Param Vir Chakra .   Today- 16 September 2021- is the 57th Martyrdom Day of Lt. Col. Ardeshir Burzorji Tarapore, Param Vir Chakra The War   Jai Hind ! Gaurav Negi    

Hindi Divas

मेरे नन्हे और युवा भारतियों आज हिंदी दिवस है. १४ सितम्बर १९४९ (14 September 1949) को संविधान सभा (Constituent Assembly)  ने देवनागरी लिपि हिंदी को भारत की आधिकारिक भाषा ( Official language) के रूप में अपनाया था . और १४ सितम्बर (14 September) की तारीख को ही क्यों चुना गया ? हिंदी भाषा को आधिकारिक भाषा बनाने के लिया बहुत सरे लोगों ने संसद  में और जनता के बीच हिंदी भाषा का पक्ष रखा. ….प्रमुख थे हज़ारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी , मैथली शरण गुप्त , सेठ गोविन्द दास, बिउहर राजेंद्र सिम्हा , काका कालेलकर. . १४ सितम्बर १९४९ (14 September 1949) को बिउहर राजेंद्र सिम्हा का ५० वा (50 वा)  जन्म दिन था और इसी दिन हिंदी को आधिकारिक भाषा का स्थान दे दिया गया २६ जनवरी १९५० (26 January 1950) को संविधान लागू होने के बाद इस निर्णय को मान्यता दे दी गयी.  मैं आपसे यह नहीं पूछूंगा ..... आप अपने आप से यह पूछिये अंग्रेजी भाषा में २६ (26) अक्षर होते हैं,   हिंदी वर्णमाला में कितने अक्षर होते हैं ? क्या आपको हिंदी की वर्णमाला याद है ? क्यों न आज ही से इसे याद करें.... Unlike English, Hindi is a scie...

Operation Polo - Hyderabad Police Action

Dear Indians, In 1947 when India became independent, our leaders had the difficult task of integrating 565 princely states into the Union of India. Winston Churchill, one of the Prime Ministers of Britain had predicted that post independence India would disintegrate and fall back into the Middle Ages. But we had Sardar Patel. Credit for unifying the princely states with the Union of India goes to Sardar Patel Had it not been Sardar Patel, princely states like Junagadh and Hyderabad would have been in a situation similar to what Jammu & Kashmir is going through. The Nizam of Hyderabad was not willing to join the Union of India. The Govt of India had to use force. This is referred to as Hyderabad Police Action or OPERATION POLO . OPERATION POLO started 73 years back on this day 13 September 1948 and ended on 18 Sep 1948 with Hyderabad becoming a part of Union of India. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was indeed ‘ The Iron Man of India ’  - Will and Determination stronger than iron !!! ...