Operation Polo - Hyderabad Police Action

Dear Indians,

In 1947 when India became independent, our leaders had the difficult task of integrating 565 princely states into the Union of India.

Winston Churchill, one of the Prime Ministers of Britain had predicted that post independence India would disintegrate and fall back into the Middle Ages.

But we had Sardar Patel.
Credit for unifying the princely states with the Union of India goes to Sardar Patel

Had it not been Sardar Patel, princely states like Junagadh and Hyderabad would have been in a situation similar to what Jammu & Kashmir is going through.

The Nizam of Hyderabad was not willing to join the Union of India.

The Govt of India had to use force. This is referred to as Hyderabad Police Action or OPERATION POLO.

OPERATION POLO started 73 years back on this day 13 September 1948 and ended on 18 Sep 1948 with Hyderabad becoming a part of Union of India.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was indeed ‘The Iron Man of India’  - Will and Determination stronger than iron !!!

Goodness in the mind, good intentions at heart and decisive actions made him ‘The Iron Man of India’ 


Jai Hind !

Gaurav Negi



The picture above- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel being greeted by Nizam of Hyderabad Mir Osman Ali at Begumpet Airport, Hyderabad.

The adjacent picture is that of Kasim Rizvi, a politician who was very close to the Nizam and had made attempts to use Hindus living in Hyderabad as a shield against Indian Forces.



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