National Unity Day - Sardar Patel

31 October

My Dear Indians,

When India attained independence in 1947, the princely states were asked to join either the dominion of India or the dominion of Pakistan. 

Sardar Vallabhhai Patel took upon himself the responsibility to merge 565 princely states into the Union of India.
Imagine what a herculean task it was !

Negotiating with 565 states- convincing some, pushing some and forcing some of the sates to join…. Looks impossible but Sardar Patel did it!

He united India into a cohesive country. That is why since 2014 India celebrates his birthday as “National Unity Day or राष्ट्रीय एकता दिवस

Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of UK had prophesied that Indians will fight among themselves and India will disintegrate.
Sardar Patel proved him wrong.

The most notable states that joined India by force were Hyderabad and Junagadh and then J&K. We have discussed about J&K and Hyderabad (Operation Polo). 

Accession of Jammu and Kashmir with India 

Accession of Hyderabad with India 

What happened in Hyderabad after Operation Polo 


Why is Vallabh Bhai Patel addressed as “Sardar” ?

He led a movement successfully that earned him the title of "Sardar"

“Sardar” means Leader.

There is a place called Bardoli बारडोली in Gujarat.


In 1928, the farmers of Bardoli requested the British Govt to reduce taxes but the British declined. The farmers approached Vallabhbhai Patel for help.

The farmers organized a Satyagrah or disobedience struggle. This struggle was meticulously organized by Vallabhbhai Patel. 

All farmers refused to pay taxes.

There would be a team of villagers who would sit on the outskirts of the village and alert others whenever tax-collectors would visit the village. Then all villagers would leave their homes and hide in the jungles.
It became impossible for the British to collect taxes.

The British decided to confiscate and sell off the land.
The villagers again ensured that there would be no buyers.

Finally, the British had to agree to the demands of the villagers.

Gandhi Ji gave Vallabhbhai Patel the title of “Sardar” in recognition of the exemplary leadership and meticulous planning that he displayed during the Bardoli Satyagrah बारडोली सत्याग्रह 


Jai Hind !

Gaurav Negi



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