Maj Shaitan Singh, Param Vir Chakra

My Dear Young Indians,

Nights and early mornings are cold now.

However, we have all stay inside our homes with warm clothes on so it does not really matter to us what the outside temperature is.

The capital of Delhi is at a height of 250 metres.
At a height of 5,500 metres is a place called Rezang La in Laddakh (On the India China border)

Temperature at this place in November is minus 15 degrees….

Imagine what would happen to us…if you and I had to sit at Rezang La in the open snow without adequate winter clothes !

On 18 November 1962 (59 years back) a company of Indian soldiers of the 13 Kumaon Regiment were posted at this place to stop the invading Chinese forces.
They had inadequate winter clothes and weapons of world war 2 era (Thanks to Prime Minister Nehru)

This Company was commanded by Maj. Shaitan Singh.

Shaheed Major Shaitan Singh was honoured with the Param Vir Chakra for battle that was fought by him and his men in the morning of 18 November 1962 at Rezang La  (Laddakh) against the Chinese.

Around 5 am, when the dark was just beginning to lift, the first wave of Chinese attack came which was thwarted by Indian soldiers.

Their attack having failed, the Chinese began to shell Rezang La.
The battle went on for five hours.

Major Shaitan Singh knew he was surrounded on three sides. He had received burst of fire in one arm and abdomen. By now most of the men had died or got injured. Bullets were flying all around.

Major Shaitan Singh realized that there would be no chance of survival for his two men if they had to carry him to the company base. He ordered them to leave him where he was and save themselves……Reluctantly they left.

No one fought so gloriously as these men of 13 Kumaon at Rezang La who defended their position to the last man and last bullet.....विजय या वीरगति

Maj Shaitan Singh was a resident of a place called 'Phalodi' near Jaisalmer in Rajasthan.

In October 2018 we visited Phalodi and met his son Shri Narpat Singh who was 73 years old. He runs a Petrol Pump there.

Picture of Maj Shaitan Singh is in the background.

Shri Narpat Singh was around 15 years old when his father was martyred. He has carefully preserved all the newspaper reports that had appeared in 1962-1963 when he father made the supreme sacrifice.

These pictures are from his personal file. We clicked these photos when we met him

He has carefully and lovingly preserved all memories of his father.


When his Param Vir Chakra was given to his wife in Jan 1963, it was believed that Maj Shaitan Singh had been taken prisoner of war by China and that he would soon return.

This is the telegram that his wife had received.

In February 1963 when the snow melted in the Himalayas (Laddakh), search parties discovered frozen bodies of Maj Shaitan Singh and his team.


This is the telegram that his wife received in February 1963.


His body was cremated on 16 Feb 1963.......three months after his death.


साँस थमती गई, नब्ज़ जमती गई,
फिर भी बढ़ते कदम को न रुकने दिया.
कट गये सर हमारे तो कुछ ग़म नहीं,
सर हिमालय का हमने न झुकने दिया

Some men gloriously lived these words......and died in the line of duty.
Shaheed Maj. Shaitan Singh, Param Vir Chakra and his men of 13 Kumaon.


मेरे भारतियों ,

दुनिया को कोई भी शब्दकोष आप को कर्तव्य पालन (Devotion to duty) और निष्ठां (Loyalty)  का अर्थ नहीं समझा सकता

इन शब्दों के अर्थ को समझने के लिया उन लोगों को जाने और मिलें जिन्होंने इन शब्दों को सार्थक बनाने के लिए अपना सब कुछ लुटा दिया

आप और हम अपने  रोज़ के जीवन में देश के लिए बहुत कुछ कर सकते हैं…. देश की उपलब्धियों को जानें और अपने साथियों को बातएं ताकि हम सब को अपने देश पर गर्व हो… अपने देश के लिए हमेशा अच्छे और सराहनीय शब्द बोले..

जिस देश में हम जन्में है उस देश के लिया लगाव और कुछ करने की इच्छा क्यों न हो?

Jai Hind !

Gaurav Negi


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